Summer Tournament

Mon, 11 June 2012 20:59:42
Dino De Rosa
From the responses that I have had to the email regarding the Summer Tournament, I  propose 4 teams of 3 desperadoes each, with 3 of us being floating players, filling in for anyone not able to make a particular night. This will mean 3 matches over the summer which will be easy to fit in.
On that basis, I propose the following teams with the first named person acting as team captain:
McNally's Marauders   -   Richard McNally, Stuart Calderbank, Paul Davies
Ropp's Raiders             -   Wiatt Ropp, Aron Buxton, Zosia King
Bennett 's Bandits           -   Phil Bennett, Brian Eastgate, Angus King
Satpal's Sinners                        -   Satpal Singh, Peter Stiff, Richard Buxton
Floating players: Dino De Rosa, Steve Henderson, Michael Caveney
The proposed dates for the matches are as follows. Please let me know if you will not be able to make any of these dates and I will arrange for one of the reserves to take your place.
For each showdown, I have drawn both board positions and opponents at random (out of a hat).
Thursday 14th June
McNallys’s Marauders                       v          Ropp’s Raiders
 1 Stuart Calderbank    v    Aron Buxton
 2 Paul Davies              v    Wyatt Ropp
 3 Richard McNally     v    Zosia King
 Bennett’s Bandits                  v          Satpal’s Sinners
 1 Phil Bennett             v    Satpal Singh
 2 Brian Eastgate          v    Richard Buxton
 3 Angus King              v    Peter Stiff
Thursday 28th June
Bennett’s Bandits                    v          McNallys’s Marauders
 1 Phil Bennett             v    Richard McNally
 2 Brian Eastgate          v    Stuart Calderbank
 3 Angus King              v    Paul Davies
Satpal’s Sinners                      v          Ropp’s Raiders
 1 Peter Stiff                v    Wyatt Ropp
 2 Satpal Singh                         v    Aron Buxton
 3 Richard Buxton          v    Zosia King
Thursday 12th July
Ropp’s Raiders                       v          Bennett’s Bandits
 1 Aron Buxton            v    Angus King
 2 Zosia King                           v    Phil Bennett
 3 Wiatt Ropp                          v    Brian Eastgate
 McNallys’s Marauders          v          Satpal’s Sinners
 1 Stuart Calderbank       v    Satpal Singh
 2 Paul Davies                 v    Richard Buxton
 3 Richard McNally        v    Peter Stiff
The first named team in each case has White on Boards 1 & 3 and Black on Boards 2 & 4.
I look forward to seeing you all there.

We are always looking to welcome new players to the club no matter what your ability.