Following the publication of the July ECF gradings, Stratford Chess Club will hold a team selection meeting on the 14th August. The meeting will decide the teams based on the new gradings for the 2018-19 Leamington and District Chess League.
All those that can attend please come along or alternatively let me know if you are available for a team. I am working on the assumption that all current members who played last season are willing to play in a team for the new season.
The following Stratford teams are proposed.
Div 2: A Team - (4 boards)
Div 3: B Team - (4 boards)
Div 4: C Team - (3 boards)
For the KO’s we have entered 1 team in the Open KO, 1 team in the U700, 2 teams in the U120
We are always looking to welcome new players to the club no matter what your ability.